„He who chooses the Infinite has been chosen by the Infinite,“ writes Sri Aurobindo, and this small collecti0n of stories by Joggata Dallas rembinds us of this oft-forgotten truth, of the grace that underlines our many human experiences and the quiet perfection at the heart of our lives.
The Infinite, too, is not elsewhere, but at play in the events and unfolding
stories of our everyday experiences. Remembrances looks at these lovely intersections where the mysterious and the familiar meet, God’s veiled love is felt, insights that deepen us are gifted.
A love of nature and landscape is also evident in many of these gathered memories, and Jogyata’s homeland New Zealand gave the author many early-life years of wilderness and isolation that nourished and quickened an impulse towards meditation, and finally led to his discipleship With the late spiritual Master Sri Chinmoy.
Jogyata writes: „Cocooned in months of silence, you can begin to feel the teachings of the sky, the languages of birds and trees, the Infinite that breathes into the finite. What a beautiful world we have been gifted, to wander in and explore and find ourselves. “
Paperback, ENGLISH, 151 pages
ISBN 978-3-89532-223-5
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