Nirmala was always very sensitive and captured the feelings towards events or people she met in very personal sketches. She meditated for 41 years with spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy (1931 – 2007) and also extensively studied his poetry. Some of the sketches are to be found in her notebooks together with Sri Chinmoy’s poems. Many also relate to people his husband interviewed online. It was only after Nirmala’s passing that he found the total amount of drawings she did although some of them he scanned for her blog while she was doing them.

Nirmala Misani was born on December 5th, 1950 in Solothurn, Switzerland, and she passed away on November 18th, 2020 at the age of almost 70, due to a stroke and her weak heart condition. This book reveals the many facets of her creativity which she expressed in a personal, sometimes childlike manner – often complemented with text elements and numbers. Altogether a total of 152 drawings are presented in this book. Take your time to plunge into a very special world, often inspired by inner experiences.

Ramita wrote this comment for the back page of the book: „Nirmala’s drawings are absolutely adorable. Full of feeling, emotion, and undeniable artistry. Soulfully playful, delicate, original and charming. Radiating with purity and lightness, soulfully storytelling. Revealing the magic of her inner reality, her artwork is a true joy to look at, and also inviting us to explore our own imagination. Beautiful, dear Nirmala, thank you.“

Paperback, ENGLISH, 172 pages, 154 illustrations
ISBN 978-3-89532-336-2


This is the title of the book that has just been released in the Verlag Golden Shore. In the series of books revealing insights on the life of disciples of Sri Chinmoy Kedar speaks about his first spiritual steps, how he found his master, what changed in his life and what are the key goals you should have when entering a spiritual life. Kedar looks back on 40 years of manifesting the light of his master, which hurdles he had to overcome, how his life was saved several times, how he dealt with the loss of his dear wife Nirmala (see my book Tribute to Nirmala, 1950-2020) and what are his projects for the future. Also included is a large photo section with more than 40 precious pictures in black & white and colour he did of Sri Chinmoy over a span of more than 20 years. 

And this is what Mandu wrote when he first saw the book:

„When I met Kedar 20 years ago, I experienced him as a seeker of truth, always striving to find the essence behind things. He was precise in his artistic creations, always striving to get the best out of the situation, be it artistic or technical. Whether it was learning how to overcome a technical hurdle, or the ultimate possible truth experience of spiritual insight, Kedar always approached it with enthusiasm and fearlessness. With his many videos, Kedar has made a milestone in the manifestation of Sri Chinmoy’s life, he has immortalized the Master with his videos, and he has made it possible for numerous seekers and disciples all over the world to experience Sri Chinmoy through the medium of film. The dedication to such a task alone demands greatness, readiness, preparedness and precision.

Our Master has placed in each of us a blossoming flower. If we treat it with care, it will grow and will bear its fruits. Kedar’s fruits are his many testimonies of time in the form of photo, film and documentary. I dare to imagine how these fruits will inspire people and bring more fruits to the world in the near and distant future. For this, my friend Kedar deserves my full appreciation and gratitude.“ – Mandu Trummer, Wels, Austria

ENGLISH, 2nd edition, 100 pages, 89 photographs and images, 17 x 24 cm
ISBN 978-3-89532-338-6